
Floral Rich & White Flower Bouquet


Reminiscent of a wedding bouquet, Fleurissimo is both romantic and elegant. Fresh notes of sparkling bergamot give way to a sophisticated floral signature that marries tuberose, violet, iris and Bulgarian rose in a glamourous feminine Eau de Parfum. Ambergris balances this iconic women’s fra ... more

Head Notes: Mandarin, Violet Leaves & Bergamot

Heart Notes: Tuberose, Jasmine, Rose, Ylang-Ylang, Neroli

Base Notes: Orris, Sandalwood, Cedarwood
One Tree Planted

The pure essence of femininity, a wedding bouquet overflows with romantic joy. Brimming with the most sumptuously beautiful flowers, clasped in the bride’s hands Fleurissimo Eau de Parfum symbolises hopes, dreams and happily-ever-after.

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Inspired by the wedding bouquet’s graceful, delicate romance, the exquisite floral symphony of Fleurissimo for her captivates the heart and draws all eyes in the room.

Effortlessly marrying elegance and glamour with ethereal beauty, this timeless scent is a powerful expression of feminine poise – the quintessential Bridal fragrance.

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